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Student Resources

Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals

The Human Services program, faculty, staff, and students follow and adhere to the Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals as outlined by the National Organization for Human Services. By declaring the Human Services major or minor, students agree to read and follow these standards while enrolled in any Human Services coursework, activity, volunteer work, internship, or when representing the University of Northern Colorado Human Services program. The standards are available online at http://www.nationalhumanservices.org/ethical-standards-for-hs-professionals, and it is students' responsibility to access them. Violation of the codes may result in grade adjustment in the associated class, failure of the class, and/or removal from the Human Services major/minor.

When students are accepted into the Human Services major or minor, they agree to follow the Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals. 

If you have any questions about the ethical standards, please contact Program Coordinator David Greene.

Career Services

Hands-on career experiences are an integral part of your degree program. Through supervised practicums and internships you’ll fine-tune skills in your area of interest and put classroom theory and knowledge into practice. Career Services assists in placing you in appropriate work environments. It also helps you find permanent employment through on-campus recruiting, a career resource library, free workshops and one-on-one job counseling.

Visit the UNC Career Services website

Join Our Listserv

You are invited to subscribe to the Human Services listserv where useful information such as job opportunities, course information, program news, and professional activities will be shared via email.  This allows you to receive communication instantly and stay well informed.

Here's how to subscribe:

  • Send an email to: listserv@listserv.stewmoore.com
  • Leave the Subject line blank
  • In the message box, type:  subscribe HUMANSERVICES
  • Remove your signature
  • You will receive a Welcome - listserv subscription confirmed message after you send the e-mail. 

Here's how to unsubscribe:

  • Send an email to: listserv@listserv.stewmoore.com
  • Leave the Subject line blank
  • In the message box, type:  unsubscribe HUMANSERVICES
  • Remove your signature

Internship Information

Human Services majors are required to complete 12 credits of internship for their degree. Students work with our internship coordinator to plan and arrange their internship the semester prior to enrollment. 

Students may complete their internship at any approved human services organization. There is a wide variety of agencies and organizations that provide valuable services to the public and students are encouraged to research and explore options on their own prior to meeting Dr. Greene. 

Here is a sample list of agencies where Human Services students have completed their internships recently. This list is not exhaustive and will change periodically. If you have any questions regarding the internship process, please email your advisor.

Human Services Internship List